Year of the Cow – Chapter 1 / Page 10
Oh geez, I apologize so much for the lateness of this page. This is all my bad as I had some bad stuff happen to me this last week that put me in a funk and held up my script writing, and then also brought down Dew who got into a bit of a funk as well.
But it’s okay! I’m better, she’s better, and we got the new page out on… at least… the day new pages are supposed to come out on.
My bad, and Dew and I will make sure this doesn’t happen again next week.
Anyhoo, we finally get a new look at another familiar face if anyone remembers the old comics of Dew’s. What could she mean with her “Absolute Rule”? Just what is she planning? And how much farther away is the dang school anyway?
Stay tuned, and also I have a question for you guys:
If Year of the Cow was able to have two comics each week, what days would you want to see them on?